Embedded C/C++, Python Software Engineer
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Embedded C/C++, Python Software Engineer

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Embedded C/C++, Python Software Engineer, Hawthorne, NY

We are looking for an Embedded C/C++, Python Software Engineer who will assist in the development of our next generation autonomous tissue sectioning devices, and vision systems. The Embedded Software Engineer will be responsible for designing, developing, and testing device control software, both at the driver and at the application level. The Embedded Software Engineer will also collaborate with other engineering groups such as mechanical, electrical and optics to gather software requirements, and provide software tools for streamlining product development.


– Develop software for medical device within a well-established robotics framework.
– Driver development for interfacing with motor controllers, cameras, scanners, and PLC systems.
– Develop algorithms for controlling a multi component mechatronic system based on software requirements.
– Write software design and software test documents.
– Perform unit testing.


– Bachelor’s or master’s degree in Computer Engineering or related fields
– 3-5 years of relevant work experience in the industry
– Formal software documentation experience preferably in medical device development area.
– Direct experience with C/C++ and Python.
– Ability to work in a Linux environment.
– Experience working with GIT or other code repository systems.
– Good foundation in TCP/IP protocol stack.
– Understand Multithreading and Real Time Systems.
– Experience working with PID based control for motion and temperature control.
– Knowledge of hardware communication interfaces such as Ethernet, Serial, SPI, I2C.
– Familiarity with industrial communication protocols such as MODBUS.
– Experience working with robotics platforms such as ROS or YARP is a plus.

Other relevant experience

– Interfacing to Clinical Lab Information Systems.
– Histology laboratory workflow experience.
– Experience building vision systems for process and quality control.
– Experience working on data security and HIPAA requirements.

Benefits include medical insurance, retirement plan, PTO, etc. Salary: 80K+ DOE. Keywords: Hawthorne NY Jobs, Embedded C/C++ Python Software Engineer, C++, Python, Linux, Git, TCP/IP, Real-time, Multithreading, PID Based Control, Software Developer, Programming, Programmer Analyst, New York Recruiters, IT Jobs, New York Recruiting

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employmentType : FULL_TIME
baseSalary : OPEN
streetAddress : OPEN
postalCode : OPEN